Donate today to support persecuted Christians worldwide and change lives.

Support ICR Canada to help persecuted Christians worldwide.

Every generous donation you give to ICR Canada helps believers who face daily persecution with both spiritual and material assistance. Your generous gifts go to support our persecuted brothers and sisters on the ground who are living in the midst of often life-threatening situations. You can help change lives by:

Supporting Persecuted Christians: Providing hope to believers through support like safe houses, medical and legal assistance, and emergency food and care.

Equipping Local Church Leaders: Providing training to believers in skills to become self-sustaining, as well as providing Bible and church planting training.

Advancing the Gospel in Hostile Cultures: Supporting Church planters, providing Bibles and other biblical material to believers, and broadcasting Christian programs on TV and radio.

If you would like to send a check, please mail it to:

ICR Canada
PO Box 3531, STN LCD 1
Langley, BC V3A 4R9

Phone: 604.532.1993
Toll-Free: 1.866.896.5599

For over 50 years, the international ministry of ICR has provided spiritual and material assistance to Christians who live in countries hostile to the Gospel, enabling them to proclaim the truth, plant churches, and persevere.